Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Campaign: Stand With Tibet

In my recent post about the Elders, I mentioned the people-power movements that are currently gaining quite a high profile in activism for important issues, mainly in human rights. is my favourite of these, and appears to have the most significant results.

I would like to bring your attention to the campaign they are currently running titled "Stand With Tibet: Support the Dalai Lama".

Now before you jump to conclusions, this is not about supporting the violent protests that have been occurring in Tibet, various other Chinese provinces and around the world. The Dalai Lama does not support this. The petition is run to urge China to enter into discussions with the exiled spiritual and political leader, and to encourage them to exercise restraint in putting down the protests.

I urge you to sign this petition, or at least check out, see what they do, and make up your own mind.

Sign the petition here. You can also email your friends from there to get them on board (or send them to Adrift, they might thank you for it [/shameless plug])

Do not delay as time is always of the essence with Avaaz petitions.

If you do, I and the Tibetan people thank you.



Anonymous said...
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Jetsam said...

Critics are welcome to comment, as long as their comments are not derisive, even in jest. The previous comment was ridiculous and in poor taste, so it was removed. You have been warned.

If you have something constructive to add, I urge you to do so.